Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lecture 3

Lecture 3, which was actually presented today (week 4), was some what amusing. It was very easy to follow and the lecturer was good. I didn't catch his name because everyone was still talking when he introduced himself. If he did introduce himself.

The slide show, Cinespeak, was simple but interesting. The shots in movies are something you don't think about when viewing, but when someone shows you why/how they position the camera the way they do you realise the effort and thought that goes into making films. The way film makers answer the specific questions like why, who, what, when etc. are amazingly simple and smart. These questions are the most important parts of the plot and story in a film so it is very important that they are communicated effectively. These ways are especially good at showing the answers to these questions easily.
It was also very interesting to learn about how much space is needed when characters are talking. I never thought about how the camera must stay the same, while filming the characters, or they will look like they have grown or shrunk in a weird way. This knowledge will help a lot with Film & Screen as well.

The lecturer ran through the slide show really quickly so I don't have much more to write about. But how hard is it to explain these concepts. Just look at the slide show!

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