Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me & NCT

I just wrote a really long post and something happened to it!
I will start again!
Well this is my first post on my first blog! So I apologize if its crap and boring I just have to do this blog thing for a subject at Uni. I will start with a bit about myself. I love to shop! Especially for clothes, shoes and bags! I don't care what brand of clothes and stuff as long as it looks good. I also love to buy stuff to make my house look better. IKEA is my fave place for this. I like going to the gym when I have time. I don't have a job! Yet.. Maybe soon. I just bought my first puppy! He is so Gorgeous! I really love travelling! Have been to England, NZ, Paris, Egypt and various places in Aussie. I am trying to complete a Bachelor of Journalism and this course was one of the electives which is why I chose to do it. I don't know if I'll major in a subject like this but it seemed a lot more interesting then World History or Sociology! New Communication Technologies or NCT as I will call it is the course, the reason why I have a blog. I hope to learn more about the technology and history about the various aspects of NCT's and I really want to learn how to have a good online presence.

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