Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lecture 5

The lecture this week raised questions that were quite scary. In the tutorial Daniel asked this in a different way. He said "if Facebook was to make a coffee table book with your pictures would that be all right? Would you get any of the profits? This made me think! So I started looking at the terms and conditions or the TOS (Terms of Service) on several social networking sites. Most of the sites said that the 'materials' you put on the web remain yours but they are allowed to use it for certain things. In Bebo's TOS they stated that by putting 'materials' onto your Bebo account they have a limited licence to use, modify etc. This is quite scary! They claim that Bebo wouldn't be able to perform without this kind of use of 'materials.' I'm not sure if this is right or wrong? Maybe a little bit of sharing of ones material is needed to have a good social networking site. But I would definitely think about reading the TOS if I would be unhappy for websites to use my 'materials.' But me personally.. I don't really mind. My stuffs not to important anyway. But if there were profits involved then maybe I would care...

As for the 'Are we Consumers or Creators' Question...
I think we are both now. The Internet has enabled us to create what we consume. We have become the ones who choose what advertisements we take notice of. To a point. Where as on TV we had no choice, now we do. But the Internet is still choosing what ads we see. But they are more catered to what we are searching for. If you search for information about gym equipment on Google, up the top and down the side there will be numerous of websites advertising their 'sales' and 'special deals' on gym equipment.

Search Engines

The main way that search engines rank the pages are by the location/frequency method. The search engines will rank the pages depending on where and how frequent the words are on each page. The highest ranking pages are usually ones with the search term in the HTML title tag. Then they will put the ones that have the search terms in the first couple of lines on that page and in the headline. This is better explained at this site I am not very good at explaining things. I think this has basically answered the second question or maybe I just don't understand it! If the question is about who can make your web page rank higher when searched then there are programs that you can buy that will do this for you. This website has one of these products you can buy

My favourite search engine is definitely GOOGLE! Its just so much easier to use. I usually only search for general things that aren't really important so google finds me what I want. Maybe it would be wiser to use different search engines for searching different things but I tend to stick to Google.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lecture 1

Oops. I forgot to write about the first lecture. But I remember it quite well. It was basically what the topic for the lecture was, Introduction to New Communication Technologies.

The lecture material for the week were basic introductions and definitions of communication and technology which helped get a feel for the subject. He also included a list of New Communication Technologies which included stuff like Cd's, Internet etc. this was a very basic introduction of NCT which was probably just to help us understand the key concepts of the course. Stephen touched on these concepts during the lecture. But the most important part of the lecture was when Stephen showed us a video called Cocaine Jesus.

The video, which was made by Stefan Boscutti, is a simple show of words displayed on a black screen. The background song, Cocaine by Cruel Sea, helps keep the audience involved with the story as it adds to the excitement and thrill of the story. It has some very interesting twists and turns that surprise the audience and make it every entertaining. This video shows how easy it is to make an entertaining piece of communication with great simplicity. I think Stephen was trying to show us that we are all capable of making a good piece of communication even without the best of technology.

3D Worlds Vs IM

There are a few qualitative differences between the normal chat services, like IM and Facebook Chat, and the various 3D Worlds that are now on offer. The list of services that Active Worlds provide is quite amazing. And it is somewhat odd that on the web page at the bottom of the list is that you can create an avatar and chat with others. This shows that just chatting between people, who can be on the other side of the world, just isn't enough anymore. There has to be a sense of being there. Which is one of the qualitative differences. Rather then chatting to a photo, or nothing at all in some cases, there is a much better experience talking to a 3D avatar. It gives the person you are talking to an identity. This makes it more realistic.

The more realistic aspect of the 3D worlds is what makes them more qualitative. The avatar that you create, while in these worlds, can have different features which can show personality. They can often show emotion, to an extent, by showing different facial expressions, moving the head around and body language. These emotions are usually activated by clicking the mouse on something. This is evident in Secondlife. I suppose that these are the more advanced version of smileys. They are used to show different emotions without having to show them in text form. The 3D worlds add a face to that emotion which makes them more qualitative.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I googled my name in images!

Okay I google image searched my first name and what came up is probably not suitable for my blog! The majority of photos were very raunchy and I didn't want to put something like that on my blog. Apparently the photos are of a swimsuit model. What followed was more pictures of different 'Faren's' a couple more being models as well. One from the Superbowl, One from catwalk. Quite interesting. Then there are the photos of some dogs, normal people and bands or band members. When I google my full name, which is a bit of a tongue twister, the usual Maori stuff comes up. Newspaper articles, Marae's and once again band members.

These searches didn't come up with any pictures of myself or my family which is a good thing. I would have been really shocked if I typed my name in and a photo of me popped up! In one way I guess the privacy is good because usually there is no privacy online! I find the image searches really good. They usually always come up with what I want. Very useful tool.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Internet related crime on 4corners

The silly man who thinks that the Internet may or should be cut off is, well, silly! The Internet is taking over many things that people do in their everyday life. Sometimes making normal tasks easier or harder. But there is no way that the Internet will be 'cut-off.' If anything, it is going to get more and more faster and useful. There is no way that the Internet will die. With technology getting more advanced the Internet is only going to do more!

One site I found talked about reasons for the Internet being used by more people. It is now more cost effective with pre-paid plans and cap plans that tie in with home phones and foxtel etc. It seems to be getting cheaper and cheaper as well. It is a very competitive business and many flock to special deals to save all the money they can. But depending on connection speed and the amount of G you get a month people are also willing to pay more for their Internet. As it is becoming a necessity. So cutting off the use of internet would be stupid!

The last couple of years has seen the use of wireless internet. Both at home and on the go. At home there are wireless modems that can keep many different laptops, computers and ps3's etc connected at the same time! Which is getting more popular now as many households have more then one of these things.

Scavenger Hunt

1. What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?
Answer:Alan wore a gas mask while cycling around Bletchley Park to prevent a hay fever attack.
Search Engine: Yahoo

2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
Answer: October 29, 1969. Can't find where they were.
Search Engine: Bing

3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
Answer: Bill Gates was born on October 28th in 1955. The first software he sold was 'Traf-o-Data' at the age of 15. (Not sure if this is right!)
Search Engine:

4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
Answer: At CERN, Switzerland
Search Engine:

5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago? Answer: Well.. Computers these days are a lot faster! They are a lot more compact in size. They have way more memory! They do nearly everything compared to before they did nothing really. LoL.
Source: Just off the top of my head.

6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown? Answer: One site said that the largest parsnip ever grown was eaten! Thanks for the good info!

7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
Answer: On the 6th of June, 1859. As for the second part a bit more challenging to find!Search Engine: Source:

8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954? Answer: I don't think this is the exact weather for that date as it was based on the whole month. But this is the closest I could find. The heavy October rains over the Darling Downs followed by thunderstorm rains in November maintained fairly high levels in the Condamine and Macintyre rivers , particularly during the first half of the month. The peak height at Surat on 1st was the result of heavy run-off from the October rains. This crest moved slowly downstream and peaked at St George on 4th. Heavy 25 to 75mm rains on the southern Downs during the 3rd and 4th renewed the flooding in the Macintyre River which was still carrying considerable run-off from the October rains. The resultant sharp rises on 4th , 5th and 6th gave the third flood for that stream in 5 weeks. A peak at Goondiwindi on 6th resulted in moderate flooding and temporary dislocation of traffic.
Local flooding due to thunderstorms occurred at isolated places throughout Queensland during the month. The following are examples :- Some 30mm at Dayboro on 5th caused a temporary rise in the Pine River . Approximately 100mm in an hour near Surat caused freshes and another peak in the Condamine River on 9th. A severe storm brought 40mm in 15 minutes to Ingham on 10th , flooding shops and business premises. Up to 50mm of rain fell in 90 minutes at Caloundra , flooding a number of houses on 10th.

9. Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice? Answer: I think he is still remembered as a good poet as he wrote a lot of poetry there. He also lived in Venice and he became attached to a married Countess. Who left her husband for him.
Search Engine:

10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name? Answer: The Black Assassins. His real name? All I keep getting is stuff about 'real' Assassins.
Source: My Space

Lecture 4

Lecture 4 was short lived. A short run through on the history of moving images and films and we were onto watching some funny videos.

The first, 'Troops,' was hilarious! A very smart idea to merge 2 really famous viewing titles! It was funny to watch the way they made Stormtroopers act like the cops from Cops. A certain moment I remember is when one of the Stormtroopers/Cops is being is explaining why he does this job and if he likes it etc. It is really funny to see a Stormtrooper talking like one of the cops off Cops. I would rather watch this Parody then watch Cops any day and I find it quite hilarious that someone else finds Cops a tad bit ??? silly. I even watched the 'Troops' video in full when I got home. Was a pity that we had seen the best during the lecture.

The Awesometown video of the introduction was quite funny as well. I found it especially funny when the group , who I found out to be Lonely Island, are introducing themselves. The one who refers to himself as ' the sensitive one,' Jorma, has the funniest introduction. He tries to look like a 'gangster' in his introduction. After his intro his friends look at him in a funny way but then they all return to singing the them again. These videos are both good examples of entertaining communication and they should help us with the films we have to make.

Lecture 3

Lecture 3, which was actually presented today (week 4), was some what amusing. It was very easy to follow and the lecturer was good. I didn't catch his name because everyone was still talking when he introduced himself. If he did introduce himself.

The slide show, Cinespeak, was simple but interesting. The shots in movies are something you don't think about when viewing, but when someone shows you why/how they position the camera the way they do you realise the effort and thought that goes into making films. The way film makers answer the specific questions like why, who, what, when etc. are amazingly simple and smart. These questions are the most important parts of the plot and story in a film so it is very important that they are communicated effectively. These ways are especially good at showing the answers to these questions easily.
It was also very interesting to learn about how much space is needed when characters are talking. I never thought about how the camera must stay the same, while filming the characters, or they will look like they have grown or shrunk in a weird way. This knowledge will help a lot with Film & Screen as well.

The lecturer ran through the slide show really quickly so I don't have much more to write about. But how hard is it to explain these concepts. Just look at the slide show!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Communication Video

I found this video on YouTube. All I did was type the word communication into the search box and this was one of the first responses. This video is just an interpretation of what the future of communications could be like. I chose to post this video as the future of communications is very important to me! As a wannabe journalist the thought of the newspaper becoming extinct scares me. I found it both funny and scary whilst being entertaining at the same time. Like, I love television! I love watching the news on Television. How scary would it be to not do that anymore! I do enjoy getting a lot of my news off of the net though because it is easier to access. But there is nothing better then having a cup of tea, sitting down and relaxing in front of the 'telly' watching the news.

My Internet Experience

HeLLo Digital People..
This post is about my experience with NCT's. Well just the Internet really.
The first time I used the Internet was when I was about 8. I used to use it to make word puzzles to take to class and share with my friends. It was off some silly site that made find-a-words with the words that you wanted. We all thought it was quite amazing that our names and favourite things were in a find-a-word! Ridiculous to me now I don't do that anymore! Now the Internets purpose for me is to keep in contact with all my friends and family that seem to be all over the world! If it wasn't for social networking sites like Facebook, Bebo, Zebo, Hi5, MySpace, Flixster... I wouldn't be able to keep in contact with my family who live everywhere from here to New Zealand and England. These sights are also a good way to catch up on the competitive rivalry that is missing now that your older brothers live in different places. Although it isn't as good as playing the Playstation in the same room, some games on these sights enable a satisfactory game experience. I have now conquered my family in Pet Society, Restaurant and Vampires. I think they abandoned the first 2 games already but they still want to be the head vampire of the clan!
My first experiences with online chat was definitely on MSN Messenger. This new way of chatting was favoured by my mum as she didn't have to worry about me clogging the phone line anymore with conversations recapping the day at school with my girlfriends. Now we could just type to each other and have cute little pictures of yellow circles with smiles on them. I don't think my mum really liked it though when I was still up early the next morning gossiping about what the snob said to the popular girl which made the weird girl cry.
Privacy has never been an issue for me when I use Facebook or Bebo. I tend not to say really personal stuff on here for people to see. The only time I was worried about privacy was when my Mum was peeping over my shoulder trying to read my 'secret' messages from my friends. She would have freaked if she knew what they said. What parent wouldn't be angry if they found out their daughter was holding hands with a boy at school.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me & NCT

I just wrote a really long post and something happened to it!
I will start again!
Well this is my first post on my first blog! So I apologize if its crap and boring I just have to do this blog thing for a subject at Uni. I will start with a bit about myself. I love to shop! Especially for clothes, shoes and bags! I don't care what brand of clothes and stuff as long as it looks good. I also love to buy stuff to make my house look better. IKEA is my fave place for this. I like going to the gym when I have time. I don't have a job! Yet.. Maybe soon. I just bought my first puppy! He is so Gorgeous! I really love travelling! Have been to England, NZ, Paris, Egypt and various places in Aussie. I am trying to complete a Bachelor of Journalism and this course was one of the electives which is why I chose to do it. I don't know if I'll major in a subject like this but it seemed a lot more interesting then World History or Sociology! New Communication Technologies or NCT as I will call it is the course, the reason why I have a blog. I hope to learn more about the technology and history about the various aspects of NCT's and I really want to learn how to have a good online presence.