Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Political Beliefs?

So I went online and wanted to discover how easy it is to voice my opinion online. And there were many avenues for me to somehow do this and find out about world leaders and what they are doing. It has now become easier for people around the world to voice their opinion to people who may actually care and feel similarly about certain issues. Here are some things I did and/or found out:

I had to sign an e-petition about Animal Welfare! I love animals and think that they all deserve a good environment to live in. So I went a bit crazy and signed a couple of e-petitions: Stop Animal Testing, Stop Animal Cruelty, Help Stop Animal Abuse etc... I was also tempted to sign the petition that was called THROWING PUPPIES OFF CLIFFS IS WRONG but when I read about it I decided not to because there wasn't much information about it. I feel bad now! But I did have more tasks to complete.

Soo.. What is our favourite president doing today?? As I am doing this late I believe that Barack Obama is giving a very 'inspirational' speech today. The speech is about the health reform in USA. Watch it here! It is excellent quality for a YouTube video! Just keeps getting better and better.

Our favourite prime minister also had something to say online. 'First news I got having arrived in the states was that the Broncos had won. Terrific. Important work this week with UN & G20. KRudd' I'm sure all the twitter obsessed people would have felt satisfied with such a meaningful tweet. I like the fact that he discusses 'normal people' topics on his twitter. Much rather then the boring political stuff which shouldn't have such a big influence on twitter anyway. That is what they made the government websites for. Once again impressed about how open and available politicians are becoming!

Then to our Premier! On twitter she also had something very important to say! 'Congratulations Titans on a great year- making the finals in 3rd season is a terrific effort - better luck next year guys.' Well politicians sure do love their NRL! We have really good leaders in this country! But this kind of tweeting doesn't bother me at all as I would much rather read about their interests and likes then any boring political stuff!

Well I researched some of the questions and I have discovered that it is very easy to access political information and have a say online now. It is amazing how leaders and politicians are using the Internet as a source to promote themselves and it is awesome how we can have our say about them online! The Internet is being used to voice opinions about everything and politics is definitely an important issue where some are very passionate about.

The PM and Brack Obama talking about important things like Footy

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